The multi-function machinery trading company flying through the future with "Kotozukuri" (opportunity creation) by global expansion.

Kanematsu KGK is excited to announce our new medium-term four-year plan called "KGK Beyond 2024" which begins April 2020.
With our focus on SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) and ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance), we are constantly working to increase customer satisfaction, create trust with our customers, and fulfilling the needs of our customers and also to create a workplace for its employees and their families that make them feel satisfied and secure.
In the KGK Beyond 2024 plan, the objective is to become a 100 Billion Yen company within four years from now. To facilitate this, Kanematsu KGK started a new division called DX Acceleration Division to help respond to the changes in global business, especially in the technology such as: IoT, Cloud Computing, and AI. Through proactive utilization of big data, we will transform our internal processes, business systems, and methods to build a new business model that can meet our customer's needs for now and into the future.
Kanematsu KGK, as a comprehensive machinery trading company will combine the: Machine Tool business, Industrial Machinery business, and Environmental business with the engineering functions that support them to provide the best possible solutions in the global market. We will continue to be a company that contributes widely to society and as an "Evolving Expert Group" beyond 2024. Throughout the medium-term plan, we will be constantly conscious of change, reform, and productivity improvement.
June 9, 2020
Hiroshi Kimura